This was a project that I worked on for 6 months; it is a prequel to another flash titled Ninja Flash (hence, "zero"). The premise is as follow: a little group try to save a whole bunch of videogame mix artists from the clutches of Ryan8bit: the latter kidnapped them to prevent them to make any more vgcovers and thus claim the title of best vgmix artists (...left). The aim for the gameplay was to mix a variety of different classic videogame's elements, while keeping the story moving along. Different endings depending on the player's final ranking, which itself was weighted by how many vg artists the player saved and how many times the player took damage/used a continue.
The project is dead and I have no plan on picking it up.

[Status: Dropped]

Title screen. Codes are given at the end of the game, depending on how well the player fared (final ranking), which allows to access the locked content.

The loading screen also had it's own cutscene.

Options screen. The "?" is a secret debug mode I had implemented for myself, so I could change variables on the fly (such as stacking up hamburgers items without picking them ingame) and see the framerate.

One of the ingame menus screen. This one shows the player which characters have already been freed.

Shot of the preintro cutscene, before the title screen.

Going out a Ryan8bit headquarter. Player must find the way out before the timer blows off the whole cavern.

Going in a Ryan8bit headquarter. Player controls 2 characters: one with the mouse to aim/shoot and the other with the keyboard to use a large sword and make the wagon jump.

Starfox influenced stage. Lots of boss fights in this one.